


Name Christoph Minz
Proficiency Researcher in theoretical and mathematical physics
Email christoph.minz{at}posteo.net
Place of birth Suhl, Germany (GDR)
Hometown Langewiesen (Ilmenau), Germany


  • 2024.10 - 2025.01

    Trieste, Italy

    Research visitor
    Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA)
    Working with Erik Tonni in a project on 'Entanglement and von Neumann algebras'. Comparing different numerical methods for modular operators and Hamiltonians.
  • 2021.10 - 2024.09

    Leipzig, Germany

    Research assistant
    Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Leipzig (Leipzig University)
    Working in the Emmy Noether research group of Daniela Cadamuro on 'Der quantisierte Energie-Impuls-Tensor'. Developing a new numerical approximation scheme for modular operators of free, massive quantum fields (go to the project page).
    • Supervision of Enzo Ebert (with Rainer Verch, research project and Bachelor thesis 'Tunneling time and entropic measurements', 2023-2024)
    • Scientific co-organisation of the '48th LQP Workshop and Detlev-Fest' (hosted at Leipzig University, 2024.06)
    • Co-supervision of Mark Bradshaw, Elija Engelhardt, and Adam Highfield (summer students with Kasia Rejzner at University of York, 2022-2024)
    • Supervision of Lasse Hertle (with Rainer Verch, research project and Master thesis 'Oscillation Effects in XY Spin Chain Entropies', 2021-2023)
    • Seminar teaching: 'Theoretische Physik 3: Analytische Mechanik und Elektrodynamik (Lehramt)' (WS 2022)
    • Scientific co-organisation of the conference 'Energy conditions in quantum field theory' (hosted at Leipzig University, 2022.09)


  • 2017.10 - 2021.09

    York, UK

    PhD in Mathematics (Mathematical Physics)
    Department of Mathematics, University of York
    Thesis: 'Algebraic Field Theory on Causal Sets: Local Structures and Quantization Methods' supervised by Kasia Rejzner and Eli Hawkins (Mathematical Physics and Quantum Information Research Group)
    • Co-supervision of Benjamin Threlfall (summer students with Kasia Rejzner, 2021-2022)
    • Departmental role as Postgraduate Research Course Representative (2018-2019)
    • Seminar teaching: 'Applied Mathematics: Classical and Quantum Dynamics' (2019)
    • Seminar teaching: 'Introduction to Applied Mathematics' (2018, 2019)
    • Seminar teaching: 'Applied Mathematics: Newtonian Gravity and Special Relativity' (2018)
    • Courses: 'Advanced Quantum Theory' (2017-2018)
    • Online courses: 'Functional Analysis' and other mathematical topics (2017-2018)
  • 2011.04 - 2014.09

    Berlin, Germany

    Master of Science in Physics
    Fakultät II - Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, Technische Universität Berlin (Technical University of Berlin)
    Thesis: 'Shock Waves in Nonlinear Electrodynamics' supervised by Horst-Heino von Borzeszkowski and Thoralf Chrobok (Group for Relativity and Quantum Theory)
    • Courses: 'Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie 1 und 2' (General Relativity 1 and 2)
    • Courses: 'Quantenmechanik 2' and 'Theoretische Optik' (Quantum Mechanics 2, Quantum Field Theory, and Theoretical Optics)
    • Courses: 'Höhere Optik 1 und 2' (Higher Optics 1 and 2)
    • Attended lectures: 'Introduction to String Theory' and 'Fortgeschrittene Quantenfeldtheorie' (Advanced Quantum Field Theory) at HU Berlin
    • Voluntary co-organisation of Hochschultage for eco-social market economy, organised through the Global Marshall Plan initiative (2012.05 - 2012.11).
  • 2007.10 - 2011.09

    Ilmenau, Germany

    Bachelor of Science in Technical Physics
    Fakultät Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, Technische Universität Ilmenau (Ilmenau University of Technology)
    Thesis: 'Statistical Properties of Photon Modes in Random Arrays of ZnO Nano-Needles' supervised by Erich Runge and David Leipold (Group of Theoretical Physics 1)


Visual Basic
Web development


Native speaker