Name | Christoph Minz |
Proficiency | Researcher in theoretical and mathematical physics |
christoph.minz{at} | |
Place of birth | Suhl, Germany (GDR) |
Hometown | Langewiesen (Ilmenau), Germany |
2024.10 - 2025.05 Trieste, Italy
Research visitor
Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA)
Working with Erik Tonni in a project on entanglement Hamiltonians in quantum field theories, comparing different numerical methods.
2021.10 - 2024.09 Leipzig, Germany
Research assistant
Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Leipzig (Leipzig University)
Working in the Emmy Noether research group of Daniela Cadamuro on 'Der quantisierte Energie-Impuls-Tensor'. Developing a new numerical approximation scheme for modular operators of free, massive quantum fields (go to the project page).
- Supervision of Enzo Ebert (with Rainer Verch, research project and Bachelor thesis 'Tunneling time and entropic measurements', 2023-2024)
- Scientific co-organisation of the '48th LQP Workshop and Detlev-Fest' (hosted at Leipzig University, 2024.06)
- Co-supervision of Mark Bradshaw, Elija Engelhardt, and Adam Highfield (summer students with Kasia Rejzner at University of York, 2022-2024)
- Supervision of Lasse Hertle (with Rainer Verch, research project and Master thesis 'Oscillation Effects in XY Spin Chain Entropies', 2021-2023)
- Seminar teaching: 'Theoretische Physik 3: Analytische Mechanik und Elektrodynamik (Lehramt)' (WS 2022)
- Scientific co-organisation of the conference 'Energy conditions in quantum field theory' (hosted at Leipzig University, 2022.09)
2016.11 - 2017.09 Berlin, Germany
Software engineer (Java)
PSI Energy Markets GmbH
Software development (mainly Java and SQL) as well as customer support for public services, power and gas supply companies, and energy markets.
Conferences and talks
2024.11.19 Trieste
Joint SISSA/ICTP seminar
Invited talk: On the mass dependence of modular operators for double cone regions in QFT
Research visit with another journal club talk 'From classical to quantum fields on discrete spacetimes' to review aspects of causal set theory.
2024.07.07 - 12 Pescara
2024.07.01 - 06 Strasbourg
XXI International Congress on Mathematical Physics (ICMP)
Contributed talk: Mass dependence of modular operators for double cones
2024.06.05 - 08 Leipzig
48th LQP Workshop and Detlev-Fest, ITP, Leipzig University
Scientific coorganisation
2024.05.09 Dublin
Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies
Invited talk: From classical to quantum fields on causal sets
Research visit with another journal club talk 'Mass dependence of modular operators for double cones' to review aspects of Tomita-Takesaki modular theory.
2023.09.04 - 08 Bengaluru
Quantum Gravity @ Raman Research Institute
Invited participation
2023.07.10 - 14 Nijmegen
2023.05.24 - 26 Granada
Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetimes Workshop II
Poster: Geometric construction of distinguished states
2022.09.12 - 16 Leipzig
Energy conditions in quantum field theory, ITP, Leipzig University
Scientific coorganisation
2021.05.17 online (Bengaluru)
Raman Research Institute Seminar
Talk: Local Structure for the Discretization of the Scalar Field Equations on Sprinkled Causal Sets
2020.08.26 - 28 online
Causal Set Meeting
Talk: The Sprinkling Process, Diamonds and Local Structures in Causal Set Theory
2020.07.13 - 17 online
2020.06.22 online
59th North British Mathematical Physics Seminar
Talk: Sprinklings in Causal Set Theory and Local Structures to Discretize Field Propagators
2019.05.07 York
Graduate Research Symposium, Department of Mathematics, University of York
Talk: On the Probability Measure for Sprinkling in Causal Set Theory
Award winner: KM Stott Prize
2017.10 - 2021.09 York, UK
PhD in Mathematics (Mathematical Physics)
Department of Mathematics, University of York
Thesis: 'Algebraic Field Theory on Causal Sets: Local Structures and Quantization Methods' supervised by Kasia Rejzner and Eli Hawkins (Mathematical Physics and Quantum Information Research Group)
- Co-supervision of Benjamin Threlfall (summer students with Kasia Rejzner, 2021-2022)
- Departmental role as Postgraduate Research Course Representative (2018-2019)
- Seminar teaching: 'Applied Mathematics: Classical and Quantum Dynamics' (2019)
- Seminar teaching: 'Introduction to Applied Mathematics' (2018, 2019)
- Seminar teaching: 'Applied Mathematics: Newtonian Gravity and Special Relativity' (2018)
- Courses: 'Advanced Quantum Theory' (2017-2018)
- Online courses: 'Functional Analysis' and other mathematical topics (2017-2018)
2011.04 - 2014.09 Berlin, Germany
Master of Science in Physics
Fakultät II - Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, Technische Universität Berlin (Technical University of Berlin)
Thesis: 'Shock Waves in Nonlinear Electrodynamics' supervised by Horst-Heino von Borzeszkowski and Thoralf Chrobok (Group for Relativity and Quantum Theory)
- Courses: 'Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie 1 und 2' (General Relativity 1 and 2)
- Courses: 'Quantenmechanik 2' and 'Theoretische Optik' (Quantum Mechanics 2, Quantum Field Theory, and Theoretical Optics)
- Courses: 'Höhere Optik 1 und 2' (Higher Optics 1 and 2)
- Attended lectures: 'Introduction to String Theory' and 'Fortgeschrittene Quantenfeldtheorie' (Advanced Quantum Field Theory) at HU Berlin
- Voluntary co-organisation of Hochschultage for eco-social market economy, organised through the Global Marshall Plan initiative (2012.05 - 2012.11).
2007.10 - 2011.09 Ilmenau, Germany
Bachelor of Science in Technical Physics
Fakultät Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, Technische Universität Ilmenau (Ilmenau University of Technology)
Thesis: 'Statistical Properties of Photon Modes in Random Arrays of ZnO Nano-Needles' supervised by Erich Runge and David Leipold (Group of Theoretical Physics 1)
- Research internship at the Hui Cao Research Laboratory (Department of Applied Physics, Yale University, Connecticut, USA) organised through the exchange program RISE (Research Internships in Science and Engineering) by DAAD, working on structural coloration with experiments and a simulation in MATLAB (2010.08 - 2010.10).
- Research internship at the Laser Research Institute (Stellenbosch University, Western Cape, South Africa), working with Zephania Birech and programming a measuring software with LabVIEW for a femtosecond experiment (under supervision by Heinrich Schwörer) (2010.04 - 2010.07).
Programming | |
Python | |
Java | |
Visual Basic | |
Web development | |
HTML | |
CSS | |
JavaScript |
German | |
Native speaker |
English | |
Fluent |