
List of publications in reversed chronological order.


  1. Local symmetries in partially ordered sets
    Christoph Minz
    arXiv preprint, Jun 2024
  2. Quantization, dequantization and distinguished states
    Eli Hawkins, Christoph Minz, and Kasia Rejzner
    submitted to Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical (IOP), May 2024


  1. Modular Hamiltonian for fermions of small mass
    Daniela Cadamuro, Markus B. Fröb, and Christoph Minz
    submitted to Ann. Henri Poincare, Dec 2023
  2. On the Mass Dependence of the Modular Operator for a Double Cone
    Henning Bostelmann, Daniela Cadamuro, and Christoph Minz
    Ann. Henri Poincare, May 2023


  1. Algebraic Field Theory on Causal Sets: Local Structures and Quantization Methods
    Christoph Minz
    University of York, Department of Mathematics, United Kindgom , Dec 2021
  2. Local Structure of Sprinkled Causal Sets
    Christopher J. Fewster, Eli Hawkins, Christoph Minz, and Kasia Rejzner
    Phys. Rev. D, Aug 2021


  1. causets
    Christoph Minz
    Nov 2020
    LaTeX-package to draw causal set (Hasse) diagrams.


  1. Shock wave polarizations and optical metrics in the Born and the Born-Infeld electrodynamics
    Christoph Minz, Horst-Heino Borzeszkowski, Thoralf Chrobok, and Gerold Schellstede
    Ann. Phys., Jan 2016